Friday, 8 December 2017

What is penile cancer and what are the types of penile cancer?

Penile cancer is cancer occurred on the skin of the penis or in the penis. It is a rare type of cancer and mostly affects men over the age of 50. Dr. Pradeep P. Rao of the Dept. of Urology in Global Hospital, Mumbai has vast experience to treat penile cancer.

How many types of penile cancer are?

Penile cancer has several types, which depends on the cell type from where cancer is developed. The types of penile cancer include
  • Carcinoma in situ- only cells of penis skin are affected and not spread deeper
  • Squamous cell penile cancer- occurs in the cells that cover the penis surface
  • Adenocarcinoma- occurs from the glandular cells of the penis
  • Melanoma of the penis- occurs in skin cells that provide skin its color

What are the symptoms of penile cancer?

The symptoms of penile cancer include
  • Bleeding from the foreskin or the penis
  • A sore or a growth of the penis
  • Discharge of foul smell
  • Over thickening of the skin that makes foreskin, difficult to draw back
  • A change in the penis skin or foreskin color
  • A rash on the penis

What are the causes/risk factors for developing penile cancer?

The causes of penile cancer are not known properly, but there are certain factors that can increase the chances of occurring penile cancer. They are
  • Presence of human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Age above 40
  • Smoking
  • Phimosis
  • Infections

What are the treatment options available for penile cancer?

The treatment for penile cancer depends on the size and shape of the affected area. Generally, the skin graft is suggested after the surgery to avoid any further problem. The major treatment options for penile cancer are
  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiotherapy

When is it recommended to see the doctor?

A visit to doctor is recommended when
  • A visible growth or sore present on the penis
  • Seen some unusual symptoms that are not regular
  • Symptoms that persist on the penis

Global Hospital, Mumbai has all the advanced techniques and infrastructure to treat penile cancer. 

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Monday, 9 October 2017

Kidney Stone Removal - No Hurt More...

Are You Searching For kidney stone specialist in Mumbai? Then Reach Dr.Pradheep Rao, the best urologist in Mumbai provides kidney stone removal effectively using most advanced technologies.

 A kidney stone is a solid material that is usually found in the urinary tract. At the time of urination, these stones come out with urine. Sometimes these stones are larger and block the passage of urine hence causes pain. In order to relieve the pain, medication is necessary. It is better to start the treatment for kidney stone removal at the initial stage rather than becoming chronic.
Kidney filters out the fluid waste materials inside the body. These waste materials then flow through ureters (thin tubes). From the ureters, it reaches urinary bladder and leaves the body through the urethra.

Causes of Kidney Stone

  • Combination of some minerals and salts increases the chances of stones.
  • Some drug usage (chemotherapy drugs, diuretics, salicylates).
  • Lead poisoning.
  • Treatment of blood cancer.
  • Anemia
  • Chronic diarrhea

Certain lifestyle factors are also responsible for kidney stones. They are specific foods with high animal protein and low fiber. Those who experience stress have chances of stone. Patients who are bedridden have high chances of stones

Types of kidney stones and Their Formation

  • Calcium Stones- These stones are formed of calcium, especially combined with oxalate or oxalic acid.
  • Uric Acid Stones- Nitrogen compounds in the food is responsible for uric acid stones.
  • Struvite Stones: These stones are formed of magnesium ammonium sulphate.
  • Cystine Stones: Amino Acid cystines, the building block of proteins are responsible for cystine stones.
  • Xanthine Stones: These stones are composed of xanthine a nitrogen compound.
  • Eating fiber-rich food, low salt, and low protein diets may decrease the chances of kidney stones.

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Monday, 7 August 2017

Be aware about Prostate cancer

prostate cancer, one of the most common types of cancer affecting men, second to skin cancer, is also one that has a high curable rate. The prostate is an exocrine gland that plays an important role in urine control in men. It also helps in retaining the fluid state of semen with the help of PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) produced by the prostate gland.

Prostate cancer has a high success rate of being cured, provided it is diagnosed at the early stages. Dr. Pradeep Rao, one of the best urologists in Mumbai, is renowned for his successful prostate cancer treatment in India.
Prostate cancer begins in the glandular cells of the gland, usually. This slowly causes changes in the shape and size of prostate cells. They do not show many symptoms before its progression.
Symptoms of prostate cancer
Prostate cancer does not show symptoms in the early stages. However, some of the symptoms of prostate cancer that might indicate prostate cancer include the following: -
  • Persistent urges to urinate
  • Difficulty in commencing of and maintaining urination
  • Presence of blood in urine
  • Pain during urination
  • Difficulty in maintaining and achieving an erection
  • Bone pain, bone fractures and weakness are also experienced in the progressive stages of prostate cancer.
Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is rarely reported in men in the younger ages. The risk of prostate cancer is higher in men beyond the age of 50 years. Diet, genetic factors, obesity and excessive use of certain medications also prove a high risk of prostate cancer.
Diagnosis and Treatment
The usual diagnosis tests used to detect prostate cancer include the following: -

A biopsy test ascertaining the presence of cancer is followed up with X-rays, MRI scans, CT scan and isotope bone scans to check its intensity and spread.
The treatment plan for prostate cancer includes watchful waiting during the early stages, removal of prostate gland through surgical procedures, external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy.
Dr. Pradeep Rao is a leading urologist in Mumbai, specialised in stone diseases and laparoscopic uro-oncology.
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Sunday, 23 July 2017

Let's Find a cure for kidney cancer

Kidney cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths around the world. Kidney cancer which is also known as renal cancer is the most common cause of cancer deaths. Kidney cancers mainly originate in two parts of the kidney, the renal tubule and the renal pelvis. Older age, obesity, smoking, and high blood pressure increases the risk of developing kidney cancer. The symptoms of the kidney cancer do not generally appear in the early stages but later a person may experience blood in the urine and a lump or mass in the back, near the kidneys.
  • Constant fever 
  • Night sweats
  • Tiredness
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite

The development of kidney cancer has been attributed to several environmental and lifestyle factors which include smoking, obesity and high blood pressure. Genetic disposition and diet have also been studied with regard to having a role in the etiology of kidney cancer.

It is estimated that close to 90% of kidney cancers are caused by tobacco smoke. Certain factors such as duration and intensity of smoking also playing an important role in the development of disease. Among young males there has been a significant decline in smoking resulting in a decline in the incidence of kidney cancer. Today there are numerous anti-tobacco health policies in effect that could account for this decline in smoking.

The treatment for kidney cancer depends on the size of the cancer and whether it has spread to other parts of the body. The main treatments are:
  •  Surgery 
  • Cryotherapy or radiofrequency ablation 
  • Biological therapies
  • Embolization
  • Radiotherapy

More intensive treatment provides doctors a better chances of treating the cancer. It is doctor’s role to provide best balance between the need for intensive treatment and desire to restrict side effects as much as possible.
Dr. Pradeep P. Rao who is one of the best urologist in mumbai has many years of experience to treat cancer provides best Kidney Cancer Surgery in Mumbai. The Global Hospital Mumbai has advanced technology and patient centric care at affordable rates.


Tuesday, 13 June 2017

URS : Minimally Invasive Procedure For Ureter Stone Removal

Ureteroscopy is a procedure which is used to diagnose and remove the stones in the ureter (specially for the stones in the lower half of the ureter and which is closest to the bladder). There are two kinds of Ureteroscopy:
Dianostic Ureteroscopy : In this procedure using a ureteroscope the doctor inspect and map the ureter and residual stones.
Therapeutic Ureteroscopy : This procedure is used for the treatment of stones and also for the treatment of stricture disease and urothelial tumors.

Dr Pradeep Rao, is one of the best Urology specialist in Mumbai who offers the advanced methods for Kidney stone removal in Mumbai.

Advantages Of Doing Ureteroscopy

Ureteroscopy is minimally invasive safe method for treating stones. The following are some of the advantages of Ureteroscopy:

  • Compared to ESWL (Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy) ureteroscopic lithotripsy can achieve a greater stone-free state.
  • Ureteroscopy can be used either as primary therapy or as salvage therapy, with other treatment modalities such as ESWL and PCNL (Percutaneous nephrolithotomy).
  • Sometimes a single ureteroscopy can make the patient stone free
  • It can also used to treat ureteral stenosis and ureteropelvic junction obstruction

The Procedure

During the Therapeutic Ureteroscopic procedure, a guide wire is passed which helps and facilitate movement of the instruments while maintaining the access to the upper urinary tract and then, a ureteroscope is passed up the ureter beside the guide wire. Laser energy is then delivered to fragment the stone. Smaller stones can be removed all in one piece whereas larger stones need to broken up. Then the urologist removes the stone using a tiny wire basket that grabs the stone or by using forceps.

Ureteroscopy can also be used to push the stones that stuck in the ureter back up into the kidney. Then the stone will be broken up using lithotripsy. Most of the Therapeutic ureteroscopy are outpatient procedures. For several hours after the procedure the patient may feel burning sensation while urinating, medications will be used to minimize the discomfort.

Dr Pradeep Rao offers the best and advanced Kidney stone removal in India using Ureteroscopic procedures. The doctor uses the latest techniques for the exact Urology treatment in Mumbai at an affordable rate.

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Monday, 8 May 2017

Urology Treatment Mumbai – One Of The Best In The Country

Urology refers to a branch of medicine that focuses on diseases related to urinary tract and associated organs in men and women. The organs covered under urology includes ureters, kidney, urethra and urinary bladder. They deal with the health of male reproductive system as well, which includes vas deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicles, prostate and penis.

Doctors trained in urology, called urologist are trained to effectively diagnose, manage and treat the various disorders affecting the urinary system. Dr. Pradeep Rao is a leading consultant urologist offering the best urology treatment in Mumbai.

Should I consult a urologist?

Early diagnosis and treatment can help in achieving complete cure from diseases. It is highly recommended to consult a urologist, if you encounter the following conditions.
  • Pain during urination
  • In case of kidney stones or bladder infections
  • Infections in the urinary tract
  • Ejaculatory issues
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Male infertility issues due to low sperm count or quality.
  • Blood in urine
  • Elevated PSA levels or growth of nodules signalling prostate disorders.
  • Pain or testicular mass.

Conditions treated with Urology treatment

Urology treatment procedures include both surgical and non-surgical measures for a horde of issues in varying intensity, which ranges from congenital defects or cancers to urinary infections. They have a close association with other fields of medical science like nephrology, oncology, endocrinology, gastroenterology and gynaecology.

The different conditions treated in urology includes urinary stone diseases like kidney stones, urological cancers which includes prostate cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, penile cancer, testicular cancer and so on. They also include paediatric urology conditions like undescended testes, UPJ obstruction, Torsion testes and the sort occurring in kids. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is another condition dealt by urology.

Dr. Pradeep P Rao, a leading consultant urologist based in Mumbai is specialised in managing and treating various conditions of urological disorders with latest techniques available in the field.

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Friday, 7 April 2017

Treatment for Prostate Cancer

A common type of cancer among men, the incidence of prostate cancer has increased over the years. Prostate cancer occurs when prostate, the gland that produces seminal fluid, develops abnormal tissue growth. Prostate cancer treatment is highly successful when started early. Though it is usually known to progress slowly, some cases of prostate cancer are reported to develop quickly and spread to other glands.

Symptoms of prostate cancer
Prostate cancer has a high probability to develop with old age, due to obesity or following a history of the disease in the family. With its growing rate nowadays, it is always good to keep an eye open for its symptoms. some of the symptoms that usually develops with prostate cancer are given below: -
  • Discomfort in the pelvic area
  • Reduced urine quantity or trouble during urination
  • Blood in semen or urine
  • Backache
  • Inflammation or swelling in legs
Diagnosis of prostate cancer
An early detection of the disease can lead to better and faster cure. If the symptoms of the disease are present it is best t get immediate medical attention. Prostate cancer treatment is based on the its diagnosis done with the following tests: -
  • Digital Rectal Examination – abnormalities in rectum are examined
  • PSA Tests – blood test to detect the presence of prostate specific antigen.
  • Ultrasound scans – trans rectal ultrasound scans are done to detect abnormal growth
  • Biopsy – tissue testing to detect the presence of cancer cells.
Prostate cancer treatment
The prostate cancer treatment methodology is based on the age of the patient, intensity of the issue and degree of spread of the disease. In cases when the progress is slow and the patient is old, watchful waiting with regular monitoring and check-ups are followed.
Other treatments followed include surgical removal of the prostate gland, external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy which are used to kill prostate cancer cells directly. Treatments with the help of hormone therapy are used for treatment of this cancer.
Dr. Pradeep Prabhakar Rao, one of the best consultant urologist based in Mumbai offers specialised treatment for urological diseases like prostate cancer.

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Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Why Does It Pain in Lower Abdomen ?

Kidney Stones are solid masses made of minute crystals. Kidney stones usually originate in the kidneys but can develop anywhere along the urinary tract. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra. Kidney stones are one of the most painful medical conditions. The causes of kidney stones vary depending on the type of stone. The different types of kidney stones include Calcium, Uric Acid, Struvite and Sistine.

The greatest risk factor of having kidney stones is making less than one liter of urine per day. Kidney stones are most likely to occur between the ages of 20 and 40. Some of the risk factors include dehydration, obesity, hyperthyroid conditions and gastric and inflammatory bowel diseases.
Kidney stones cause severe pain. Symptoms of kidney stones may not occur until the stone begins to move down the ureters. Other symptoms of kidney stones can include: 
  • Blood in the urine.
  • Nausea.
  • Discoloured and foul-smelling urine.
  • Fever.
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Passing small amounts of urine.
Diagnosis of kidney stones requires a complete health history assessment and physical examination. Blood tests for checking the presence of calcium, phosphorus, uric acid and electrolytes. Complete urine analysis to check for crystals, bacteria, blood and white cells. Examination of passed stones to determine its type. abdominal X-rays, ultrasound of the kidney, MRI of the abdomen and kidneys, abdominal CT scan are also taken for detailed analysis
Treatment is decided according to the type of stone. Some of the treatment options are:
  • Medication.
  • Lithotripsy.
  • Tunnel Surgery.
  • Ureteroscopy.
Dr. Pradeep Rao is a renowned Urologist in Mumbai who offers exact kidney stone treatment after a thorough diagnosis of the patient with the help of a dedicated team.
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